Dystopian Literature
Learning Tools

Utopia: (noun)
a place of ideal perfection, especially in laws, government, and social conditions
How do we create a society of perfection? An idyllic society with equality, no war, no fighting, and everyone follows the rules. But who makes sure everyone follows the rules? With control?
When does too much control for perfection turn into the opposite of perfection?
When does it become a dystopia?

Dystopia: (noun)
an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives
Read. Write. Think.
Review the Definition and Characteristics sheet to understand the genre before you begin reading. Think: What kind of warnings might Dystopian Literature be giving to us about our society?
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Five Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction
Government Control
Environmental Destruction
Technological Control
Loss of Individualism
Further Study:
Read the full article on the Five Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction on Masterclass.com.
Want More Dystopian Literature?
Good Reads
Online Resources
Paste Magazine
The 30 best Dystopian Novels of all Time